Personal Contract Hire representative example for Audi A5 Sportback Sport 35 TFSI S tronic, subject to a 4 year, 10,000 mile per annum agreement.
47 Monthly Rentals of | £470.56 |
Retail Cash Price (inc. Paint: Navarra blue, metallic) | £44,055.00 |
Paint: Navarra blue, metallic | £675.00 |
Initial Rental | £2,823.34 |
Contract Duration | 48 Months |
Annual Mileage | 10,000 Miles |
Excess Mileage (per mile) | 10.8p |
Customer Type | Private |
T&Cs: PCH - *No ownership option. Excess mileage and fair wear and tear charges may apply. All prices include VAT. 18s+. Subject to availability and status. Offer available for vehicles ordered by 31 March 2025 from participating Centres. Indemnities may be required. Offers are not available in conjunction with any other offer and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Freepost Audi Financial Services.